About Our Chapter
Mission Statement
The New Mexico Chapter of IAAO is dedicated to offering opportunities to promote education within the assessment of our members and advance the ideals and standards of IAAO.
Vision Statement
Provide support to members through educational workshops, classes, and a forum to answer questions about real property and personal property assessment in the state of New Mexico.
Educate the public regarding the ad valorem system
Provide and distribute useful information relating to assessment practices
Facilitate and promote public trust
Core Values
Dedication and commitment to excellence for those we serve
A trusted resource, acting with honesty, integrity, and transparency
Promotion of inclusiveness, fairness, and diversity
Engaging leadership, with strong communication and a willingness to adapt
Practice of responsible stewardship of resources
Board Members
Curtis Valencia - Los Alamos County, Certified Appraiser for ten years, in Los Alamos County for twelve years. Curtis’ goal is to expand our very young chapter and help promote education throughout the Assessor’s offices in New Mexico.
Vice President
Alyssa Sena - Santa Fe County, Quality Control Data Analyst, in the Assessor’s Office for seven years. Alyssa’s goal with the chapter is to advance the community by promoting education and expertise in property assessment and appraisal.
Isabella Martinez -Rio Arriba County, Appraiser
Assessment Specialist for three and a half years, currently a field appraiser.
Fabian M. Montoya- Chief Appraiser at the Bernalillo County. Fabian assists with: organizing, coordinating all real & personal property appraisal, & exercises full technical responsibility for appraisal work. Supervises the work of the Assessor Administrator, Assessment Managers, and the Re-appraisal Manager. Fabian oversees all Appraiser staff to ensure work scheduling, setting priorities, and working with managers and supervisors to resolve problems on 285,000 parcels in Bernalillo County, all while being an active member in the New Mexico Assessor’s Affiliate
Samantha Stroud - Lea County, Chief Appraiser & Livestock Specialist for ten years. Samantha is excited to help the chapter grow while working to offer useful courses and workshops and serve other members around the state.
Jessica Ulibarri - Santa Fe County Chief Appraiser, has over 23 years of experience working as a certified appraiser within the Santa Fe County Assessor’s Office. She believes the greatest tool is education, and the NM Chapter can help develop and support assessment staff within New Mexico Counties to reach their full potential.